“Equipping people of faith to serve with an informed, compassionate response
to the risk and prevalence of addiction and related mental health issues.”
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Faith Partners Shares New Video
Faith Partners in a nonprofit organization located in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Our mission is to equip people of faith to serve others with an informed, compassionate response to addiction and related mental health issues. Faith Partners works with hundreds of congregations of all faith traditions across the nation. Is your faith community experiencing challenges related to these problems? You are not alone. Start your journey of healing today and visit our website at faith-partners.org.
Recently Published Paper
Faith Partners, in partnership with South Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center (SSWATTC), co-authored the original paper Faith Communities’ Improvements in Readiness to Engage in Addictions Resilience and Recovery Support Programming.
Training of Trainers Workshops
G.O.A.L. Project hosted a Faith Partners Training of Trainers workshop. Seven trainers were trained in Lancaster, PA on April 22-24…

Upcoming Events
Date | Location | Training | Contact Person |
2nd Wednesday of the Quarter (January, April, July, October) | Nationwide | Virtual Area Coordinator’s Networking Meeting |
Drew Brooks
Executive Director Faith Partners drewbrooks@faith-partners.org |
3rd Monday of each Month | State of Oklahoma | Moving Forward with Faith (MFWF) Statewide Advisory Council (SAC) |
Bailes Chaples
Prevention Program Manager ODMHSAS Bailes.Chaples@odmhsas.org |
January 24-25, 2025 | Omaha, NE | Faith Partners Team Training |
Rev. Eulish Moore
FP Omaha Area Coordinator eulishmoore@yahoo.com |